Welcome people, to your new favorite podcast, 90PROOF. The podcast that keeps you up to date with all of the latest BS. A group of friends with a multitude of different point of views. Come in, sit down, and watch us joke, argue, and pick on, some of the craziest moments that are happening in the world. Listen to us speak about real topics that goes on in all relationships. Plus, we also can get you fresh with the shoe game and sports wear. Its like walking into your neighborhood Barbershop, or Bar, the convos that will have you on the floor or teaching you lessons before you go through them.  


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apple LIFT

Our team beam will lift you to our home on apple podcast. Click link below

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Enjoy a night or two on our spacecraft at Spotify, Click link below

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Tired of Earth? Join our crew on Patreon CLICK LINK BELOW

UFO hovering near planet

what to expect

“To empower individuals  to build emotional resilience, resolve conflicts effectively, and foster mental well-being through creative outlets like fashion, sports, and media.”

how to dress

We will try to make your journey as enjoyable as possible, but since your human bodies are not familiar with this form of travel, we suggest wearing only the most comfortable coverings. We have designed a few you might enjoy.

Gas station with beam


After booking your visit, a giant light beam will appear at your specified time and location. Once you are off the ground, time will not move at the rate you are accustomed to, so ensure you have things in order back on Earth. If you do not show up, you will still be charged.